Which Languages Are Most Often Requested During Customer Support Inquiries?


Today’s global marketplace offers many opportunities for business owners to reach out beyond their borders (both geographic and language) to a larger buying audience. However, with such great opportunities come many challenges of assisting customers in their native language. Today we will tell you about the most commonly requested languages and why Pexly is the best choice for helping you assemble the team you need. 



Which Foreign Languages are the Most Often Requested? 

The data shows that the most often encountered languages during customer support inquiry are English, Spanish, German, French, Italian. If we look at the data, there are more than 50 countries where English is an official language and we can also add 20 non-sovereign territories to this list as well. We also need to take into account that in some countries, like the United States for example, English is not codified into law as an official language, so it’s hard to give an exact number of countries where English is in demand. 

Having said this, even if we just account for the countries that do list English as an official language i.e. Australia, the UK, Canada etc. these are countries with large GDPs and a lot of the business they conduct is in English. Therefore, if you plan to do business with companies in these countries, you definitely want to have reps who have a level of English proficiency. 

In terms of the other languages listed, we see that languages such as French, Italian and German are also very much in demand. 





Why is it Important to Offer Multilingual Support? 


Multilingual customer support benefits both buyers and sellers. It empowers and delights your non-native English customers, and it can improve your sales and solidify brand loyalty. You can also get a competitive advantage by offering multilingual support since a recent poll discovered that over a third of contact centers are currently only able to handle calls in one language. Let’s face it. If you are looking to have a global reach, if you want to acquire customers from any part of the world, you will need to be able to communicate with them in their native language since this builds trust and stronger relationships with customers. 

Another reason why multilingual support is important is that it can help you reduce or even eliminate the barrier between you and the customer. Think about a time when you needed to contact support to fix an issue and there was a language barrier preventing you from communicating effectively. How frustrated did you feel at that moment? You want to eliminate such frustration from the customer and provide them with a more streamlined experience. 

If they’re not getting the answers they require or feel as if they are not being heard, it stands to reason they will likely go elsewhere. The reality is, if your company isn’t catering to the requirements of its entire community, with bilingual customer service representatives, you will be losing profits.




Why is Pexly the Best Choice to Help You Assemble a Team? 


One of the reasons why Pexly should top your list of customer support providers is because of its headquarters location: Ukraine. Recent data shows that English proficiency among Ukrainian men is 63.13% (Europe’s average indicator is 69.13% and the international one is 62.25%), while the language proficiency among Ukrainian women reaches 63% (68.5% and 62.75%, respectively). If we look at the big picture, there are more than 65 language schools in Ukraine that employ native speakers of all kinds of languages. We also have additional locations in other parts of the world to provide you with the needed support languages and skills. 

In addition to this, we are among the top BPO providers in Ukraine and the largest in Eastern Europe as a whole. We have more than 400 employees working in Ukraine and in other locations. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

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