Start Reaping the Benefits of Outsourced Tech Support



Providing top-quality tech support is important to ensuring customer satisfaction and retaining their business in general. Your customers are looking for assurances that your company is standing behind them, ready to come to their assistance if they are experiencing any issues. Unfortunately, a lot of companies are not meeting the needs of their customers due to the lack of personnel, expenses involved, and many other issues. Today we will tell you how you can start outsourcing your tech support to meet customer expectations and obtain many benefits for your business. 



Outsourcing Level 1 Tech Support 

Level 1 support usually involves basic user inquiries that can be resolved quickly on the first call. Now, even though these inquiries may not be very advanced, customers ask them, and they are expecting a timely response. Without outsourcing, this would mean that you would need to hire and retain a team of in-house agents to answer these inquiries. This sort of work can easily be outsourced since it does not require any specialized training, and the service provider will be able to hire agents with the needed soft skills to handle such inquiries. In addition to this, you will be able to save a lot of money on labor and overhead costs. 

At this point, it is worth mentioning that when businesses are just getting started, and they have only a handful of employees, answering such basic questions can be especially troublesome. Usually, this would require the CTO, VP of Engineering, or a developer to spend time and resolve customer issues. Needless to say, this is not an efficient way to spend their time. This is another great way to how outsourcing tech support can make your business more efficient. 

In addition to this, you will be able to hire a dedicated offshore team who will be able to provide support in pretty much any language you need and cover various time zones. This is especially important today when customers can buy your products and services from all over the world and, consequently, you need to have the ability to communicate with them in their native language. This is why outsourcing is yet another great way to meet the expectations of your customers and provide them with outstanding experiences. 




Outsourcing Level 2 Support 

If an issue can not be resolved by the Level 1 support agents, they will have to escalate such tickets to level 2 support. The agents at this level will need to be better trained and have specialized skills since the inquiries will be more complex. There are many reasons why you should outsource level 2 support. First of all, it does not require any participation from your in-house team, which allows them to focus on their core business functions. Also, think about all of the costs that are incurred by hiring tech-savvy support agents in your local market. You will need to pay high salary costs, benefits, equipment procurement, office space rental, and many other overhead costs. With outsourcing, the service provider is responsible for all of this. 

Also, you need to think about scalability. How many customer support tickets does your level 2 support team receive on a daily basis? Has the number of tickets steadily increased over the past few months? If you are still coping with the ticket volume but are just on edge, you may want to think about hiring offshore support agents. You need to have dedicated support agents since they will need to have in-depth knowledge about your product and service, and the service provider will be able to scale your team accordingly. 




Trust Pexly With All of Your Tech Support Needs

Regardless of the level of tech support you are looking to outsource, Pexly has you covered with dedicated service to meet your business needs. We have more than eight years of experience actualizing tech support projects of various sizes and complexities, and we are confident that we can find a customized solution for you. Since we are one of the largest BPO providers in Eastern Europe, we have the necessary resources to source and recruit candidates quickly and train them, so they hit the ground running. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.  

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