Customer Satisfaction vs. Customer Loyalty (& How to Improve Them)

When customers are satisfied with the quality of service you provide them, they are more inclined to return and provide you with more business. This ultimately leads to a higher level of customer loyalty. From this, we see that customer loyalty and satisfaction are not exactly the same thing. In this article, we will take a look at customer loyalty vs. customer satisfaction so you can work on raising both of these indicators in your business.

Table of contents:

1. What is Customer Satisfaction, and How to Measure It? 

2. What is Customer Loyalty, and How to Measure It? 

3. How to Turn Customer Satisfaction Into Customer Loyalty

4. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Both are Important

5. Why Hire a Service Provider to Help You Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty? 

6. Trust Pexly to Help You Improve Both Customer Support and Loyalty

    What is Customer Satisfaction, and How to Measure It? 

    As the name suggests, customer satisfaction helps you determine whether or not customers are happy with the service you are providing. Customer satisfaction is determined by the CSAT score. Which is a measurement to determine whether a customer feels their expectations have been fulfilled by a company’s products and services. A good CSAT score would be somewhere between 70-90, while an excellent score is 90+.

    What is Customer Loyalty, and How to Measure It? 

    Customer loyalty is an ongoing positive relationship between a customer and a business. It’s what drives repeat purchases and prompts existing customers to choose your company over a competitor offering similar benefits. Customer loyalty is usually measured by the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Which basically asks your customers how likely they are to recommend your product, service, or brand to a friend or colleague. Let’s look at the NPS in more detail: 

    • – Promoter (NPS of 9-10). These are your most loyal customers. They are the most likely to come back to your business and recommend you to their friends.
    • – Passive (NPS of 7-8). These customers are loyal to a certain extent, but they will not hesitate to jump to another company if the offer is right.
    • – Detractor (NPS of 6 and lower). With customers who have such a lower NPS score, loyalty is almost non-existent. You need to be careful when dealing with these customers. Since they are unlikely to give you a second chance if you make a mistake.
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    How to Turn Customer Satisfaction Into Customer Loyalty

    There is a natural progression that occurs in turning a regular satisfied customer into a loyal one. Basically, this involves achieving a high level of customer satisfaction and maintaining enough to win the customers’ loyalty. Below are some tips that will help you achieve this:

    • – Promote efficient communication with the customer. This encompasses things like offering many different communication channels for your customer to reach you and making sure all of these channels are connected to an omnichannel platform. This will allow your customers the convenience of contacting you via the channel they want at a particular moment but then switching to another one without missing a beat.
    • – Increase customer engagement. One of the best ways to encourage customer engagement is to offer personalized interactions. You want customers to feel like they matter and aren’t just one of many. The key to a successful personalized experience is listening and providing customers with the unique touches that connect with them.
    • – Implement a Loyalty Program. Everybody likes to feel appreciated, and one of the best ways to show customer appreciation is by offering them rewards for their loyalty. This gives customers additional incentive to stick with your brand.
    • – Ensure the Highest Level of Customer Support Quality. Your customers deserve the absolute best experiences and will not settle for anything less. Remember, there are lots of other businesses competing for the same clients you are. And offering top-quality customer support is a great way to stand out among the crowd.

    Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Both are Important

    Customer satisfaction is all about showing your customers that you understand their needs and are able to provide them with what they need right now. If you are able to do this on a consistent basis, you will be able to turn satisfied customers into loyal ones. If you are wondering what the best way of going about this is, we highly recommend hiring an outsourcing company that will help you along your journey. Let’s take a closer look at this in the next section.

    Why Hire a Service Provider to Help You Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty? 

    One of the main reasons why you should hire an outsourcing company to grow your customer support and loyalty is that they will do all of the heavy lifting for you. The service provider will be responsible for time-consuming tasks. Such as sourcing and recruiting candidates, onboarding team members, quality assurance process, and many other things. All you have to do is provide the outsourcing company with your requirements. And they will provide you with a customized solution to meet your needs. An experienced outsource provider will know all of the best practices to make sure your project hits the ground, running and implement the right QA processes to make sure all of the KPIs are met.

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    Trust Pexly to Help You Improve Both Customer Support and Loyalty

    If you are looking to improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty scores, consider hiring Pexly to assemble a dedicated offshore team for you. The agents that we recruit will have all of the skills and experience that your in-house agents have. And as time goes on, you will start to view your offshore team simply as an extension of the one you have working for you at the office. We have extensive experience actualising projects of all sizes and complexities and are confident that we can help you achieve the results you are looking for.

    Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you. 

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